UFOK – ceiling fan, my new product design idea


Hello everyone,  Here is my  next product design idea. UFOK- a ceiling fan with lamp feature. I wanted to design something in different way. In my solution disc shape is 3D printed. The body of disc is hollow inside and made of translucent plastics. The fan has no traditional propeller blades. Five whirl shape  holes were created during a 3d print process and they work as a propeller. The air comes in on the top of the disc and is pushed down during rotation. The electric  motor and lighting module are built within the disc. Please comment my new design and share it on facebook and twitter. I really appreciate your feedback.Thanks and Enjoy!

ceiling fan, product designer london, fan designers, visualrevolt graphic, product designer london, visualrevolt, retail designers london visualrevolt, flying saucer shape ceiling fan, product designer london, graphic design

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